Tuesday 29 January 2019

Terms & Conditions - 6a2

Hour Rates:
Establish a set of working hours, how they're measured, who is responsible for logging/measuring these hours. Not needed for project-based/value based projects.

Terms of Use:
build in elements of how many rounds of changes, feedback points and how that feedback will be received.  Increase fee for unnecessary rounds of changes.

Schedule Parameters:
Set out work hours/days, set out what days you can work (what is manageable). Be clear on what they can expect. COuld incorporate soft and hard deadlines to keep things on track.

Cancellation Fee:
25% idea, 50% development (some design made), 100% fully designed

Additional Costs:
Resources - 3rd party collateral, additional people.

Client Responsibilities:
What is expected of the client, who's is the main point of contact. What guidelines, assets and requirements. What and when is the client responsible for handling collateral, what happens after handover.

Client Approval:
How many points of contact/approval, when and in what form.

usage fees for 3rd party collateral, who's responsible for licensing of collateral.

Accredited/name attached therefore can't used unless name is attached. Name must be included in press coverage.

Delay/ Termination:
delay protocol for if you can't complete
Terms of cancellation - fees
Consequences for non-payment - no licence, additional charge

How/where deliverables will be used, if extends passed those agreed additional charges
Don't sign worldwide in-perpetuity

How long can work be used for - 5yrs in uk, if wider or longer higher fee

stipulate where work can or is going to be used - if worldwide increase rate.

Length of Storage:
who is responsible for storing file after handoff and for how long, retrieval fee.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Web Clinic - 6c2, 6d2

Sites to take inspiration from:

  • Soren Danileson
  • soren.works

Is displaying consistency in your work more important than showing everything
context in more important than consistency
swap and change projects depending on what your applying for
up to you how much you feature

  • syddharth.com 

simple about page
fabrik (look at)
look professional 3 or 6 even number
keep in mind how will look on phone as well as desktop

  • josephlebus.co.uk 
  • clairekoster.com 

typography based
navigation easy
transparent overlay

  •  fanqiaowang.com 

Mail to link:

  • cmd k
  • mailto: email address

Wednesday 23 January 2019

The Daily Splice - 6b2, 6a2, 6d2


  • powerful platform for creative professionals
  • not primary focus but helpful tool


  • Work in groups to identify specialist/ professional who can help

Must email a compelling case as to why the professional would be helpful:

  • Visuals 
  • Stats 
  • Story 
  • Considerations:
  • Who is the person/studio (background) 
  • How big is their following?
  • What makes their content engaging?
  • Does their Instagram win them work?
  • What do you think you could learn from them?
  • What would you like to ask them?
  • Stick to UK if possible 

Friday 18 January 2019

Pitching/ networking - 6c2, 6d2

Talk about your work effectively:

  1. communication is essential part of skill set 
  2. confidence and clarity 
  3. can add value to average work 
  4. build it up 

Most good designers/ those who have achieve a lot are good communicators
Communication - strategies and advice :

  • Pitching 
  • elevated pitch - no visuals 

Pitching an idea in under 1 minute, clear and concise

  • what: core idea? whats the project about 
  • how: how does it work? fundamental aspects, output 
  • why: why it works? concept, purpose, 
  • consider audience 

Wednesday 16 January 2019

How to get paid - 6a2

Contracts and Chasing Payments:

An important part of freelancing is contracts and getting paid on time.

  • List deliverable in detail 
  • Price and delivery 
  • how much £ and when to be paid 
  • once delivered client owns work 
  • authorship/credit - client owns work but still must credit designer 
  • renewal fees
  • logo sold on yr long term, therefore must be renewed for continued use 
  • 50% of original fee
  • if cancelled or unused still must be paid in full 
  • Artist Creative vision 


sending email from an 'accountant' using bold and red, 'accounts@company.com' 


  • name 
  • invoice number
  • date
  • client 
  • reference number 
  • Detailed costs 
  • Title 
  • Item 1
  • Item 2 etc.
  • Terms 
  • Total 

Invoice-generator can also help
If freelancing need to register for self assessment for tax - gov.co.uk unique tax reference number
Check VAT - over £70k

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Time planning 603 - 6b2

Studio Brief 01 - 01/11/18 - 09/11/18

Studio Brief 02 - 06/01/19 - 26/01/19

Studio Brief 03 - 01/04/19 - 22/04/19

Studio Brief 04 - 24/10/18 - 27/10/18

Studio Brief 05 - 27/01/19 - 05/02/19

Studio Brief 06 - 01/12/18 - 11/12/18

Studio Brief 07 - 01/03/19 - 20/03/19

Studio Brief 08 - 06/02/19 - 20/02/19

Studio Brief 09 - 27/04/19 - 02/05/19

Organisation is required in all jobs in the design field.