Saturday 5 November 2016

Workshop - Identity Task

Todays session was focusing on ourselves, how other people see us and how we want other people to see us. We wrote our name on a sheet of paper that was passed around, each person had to add a quality or whatever came into their head when they thought of us. The result was a list of things that people think about you:
  • Relaxed
  • Small
  • Funny
  • Creative
  • Chatty
  • Good listener
From here I am going to start thinking about how I want people to think about me as this will be essential for my self branding. I would like people to see me as:
  • Serious/professional when appropriate
  • Creative
  • Approachable
  • Good at planning and time management
  • A 'doer'
  • Fun to work with
  • Helpful
All of these characteristics must be shown through my self branding which will include things such as a logo, business cards, instagram, tumblr and other promotional materials. I will achieve this through experimentation with typography, illustrations and colour palettes

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