Monday 27 March 2017

End of Module Evaluation

At the start of the PPP sessions I wasn't too sure about how helpful they would be for me, however I really engaged with them and when I look back on past blog posts I realise how much I've learnt and matured as a designer in professional terms. One of the things I enjoyed most about the PPP sessions was when we had guest speakers as I found them a great inspiration, from individuals to design agencies it gave me a real insight into the work required and how you can get to that place. Another part of the module I enjoyed was creating the reflective practise poster as we were given total freedom in design, unlike the constraints we have in the other modules, I do appreciate these but it was fun to be able to write my own design rules. If I had more time I would definitely improve my self branding as it still needs a lot of work but I am okay with this as it was only my first try of level 4, I plan to work on it over summer and create a proper identity for myself. The only one thing I didn't enjoy on the course is how vague the deliverables were in terms of blogging I was never sure I had completed the tasks to the standard required.

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