Saturday 4 May 2019


A keen self learner, a team worker, good time management and organised.  I would say I am definitely all of these things, I have taught myself a lot when it comes to design, by watching tutorials and reading books. I have successfully collaborated multiple times and work well/ get on well with others easily. I can manage my time as the whole way through uni I have been juggling several different briefs along with other life commitments. I am very organised, this is evident in my blog and diary keeping, as well as my ability to plan and prepare for other things such in life as holidays, trips and general house keeping/cooking. 

602 has encouraged me to engage with the industry a lot more, by contacting studios and designers, asking tutors more questions, and engaging with designers on social media such as Instagram. Through research into designers that inspire me, I have been able to create a plan for what to do next and how to achieve my goals; I have also made contacts that I can continue to keep in touch with and hopefully gain other design opportunities. This module has also given me more confidence with talking to people in industry, going to a work experience interview was nerve wracking, but being offered the opportunity gave me self confidence and assured me that I am talented. Working with Existential Pleasures gave me further confidence, first meeting the team went really well as they were friendly and welcoming, and by the end I felt like one of them and am sure I will keep in touch with them in both a professional and friendly capacity. 

I have taken on multiple briefs throughout the year that would have been out of my comfort zone last year, such as creating work for an exhibition, designing posters, producing a publication, and working with animation and 3d on my work experience. I have also done a lot more work in the style that I discovered early on this year I want to go into - web design. I am keen to further these skills by learning how to code and reading up on web design, as well as ux design and branding. I have taken a keen interest into looking at available jobs and what they offer, as well as what you need to be successful - I am going to continue strengthening the skills required. As I want to continue education and create more work before applying for junior designer jobs, the personal branding will likely change, I am happy with how it is to this day, but know that my interests and angle will change with further education and organisation. 

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