Monday 19 December 2016

DR ME Talk

Today we had a talk from the duo that make up design studio - Ryan Doyle (DR) and Mark Edwards (ME). They specialise in art direction, image making, graphic design, work shops, video and teaching.

They spoke about how they have had time apart however still made it work, one would design, other would give feedback and improve the process is back and forth and this helped me to understand how studios work collaboratively as I have always wondered what kind of system is in place for shared projects. They first met when they were paired together by their tutor in university when they first started however didn't consider working together until second year. The studio was later formed after interning with Mike Perry in New York.


They ran a project called 365 days of collage, which is pretty self explanatory. A lot if not all of their work has been bought by friends, family and strangers. They also have their own book called cut that out which is about contemporary collage in graphic design. It focuses on the compositions of 50 leading designers and studios from 15 different countries for whom collage has been the key in creating amazing and vibrant work. 

The talk was an inspiration in how you can make it, without having to move to London as Peter Saville once told them, as well as making it work when you're travelling and experiencing new things. They also gave us these tips on how to be sucessful:

  • make good shit
  • see shit (visit places/ galleries)
  • be brave
  • no one is going to remember how much money you made when you die
  • just ask
  • just be yourself

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