Wednesday 11 January 2017

Inspiration Sharing

Today in class we shared with each other what we like to use for inspiration, things we admire and how we get our minds working. Some of the sites and methods I use and some I picked up are down below:


collaging can produce some really interesting and visually exciting work


using objects to scan, moving them around, cutting up work and rearranging can bring a lot of new ideas

playing around with typefaces

a design/art blog with updates every day about goings on in the design world

a design studio i really appreciate the work of

a website that collects work using similar styles

a tool to discover pantone colours to use in my work

a design agency with a massive archive of work

watch: exit through the gift shop

a documentary about street artist banksy

watch: abstract

a series on netflix about different types of design

instagram: the daily splice

an artist who uses free magazines and newspapers everyday to create amazing splices

instagram: love.watts

a curation of weird and wonderful art

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