Thursday 20 October 2016

8 Questions

5 reasons why i wanted to come to LCA
  • I have always liked the look of Leeds and thought it would be right for me as a student
  • After researching and attending the open day I really liked the sound of the course 
  • The facilities here are really good and we have access to a lot of help
  • The staff seemed really approachable and enthusiastic about their jobs
  • The students I spoke to when visiting were really helpful and seemed to truly enjoy their university experience
5 things i want to learn on this course

  • About typography
  • Layout/ editorial design
  • How to make sure your designs have context and are meaningful
  • Software skills
  • Hands-on skills such as bookbinding and letterpress

5 skills i have

  • Working as part of a time
  • Good listener
  • Taking notes
  • Being creative
  • Thinking outside of the box

5 things to improve on as a designer

  • The amount of research I do needs to increase
  • Hand draw things more as a starting point
  • My skills on InDesign and Illustrator
  • Continuing to develop my ideas
  • Taking constructive criticism 

5 methods you would use to evaluate

  • What could i improve on
  • What didn't go as well as planned
  • If given more time what would I do differently
  • What was succesful
  • Am i pleased with the final outcome?

5 questions you would like an answer to

  • Is the job stability really that bad
  • Is it hard to set up your own studio
  • Is it better to be multi disciplinary e.g. be good at things such as illustration and photography as well as graphic design
  • Do i have to move to London
  • Is all of the work going to be worth it

5 things which inspire you

  • Seeing good design out and about
  • My peers
  • My tutors
  • My family's belief in me
  • Books

identify 10 examples of design in your field of interest

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