Wednesday 6 March 2019

Placement interview - 6d2, 6b2

During the interview Dave asked what my interests in design were and what my plans are for when I graduate. I talked about how I wanted to learn how to code websites and mentioned that I saw they are currently taking applications for a web developer and wonder he would recommend gaining the skill. He said in the industry at the moment it is hard to find a developer/ designer who has both skills and especially women. He encouraged that if I wanted to have a design niche, web development was a good idea. I found this advice valuable as it comes from a creative director of a successful agency. 

Dave said that if I came in for work experience I would be able to gain hands on experience with their web developer and get a bit of insight into the back end development as well. 

After the interview, Dave said that he was seeing a few other people and that I would know whether I was successful before the end of the next day. I then received the following email:

At the interview he had asked when I would be available to start and I suggested the week commencing 18th Feb, as the week after my interview I had prior engagements. So when I received this email I was obviously very proud that I had impressed, and thought it would be no issue to start the placement at a later date convenient for both of us. 

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