Wednesday 6 March 2019

Website - 6c2

I decided to use Wix to create my first website as I have some experience with the web builder, I plan to learn how to code when I graduate so for the moment a website builder is suitable to display my current work. At this point in time my design name is 're.beccalouise' - re.beccalouise is my name split up in a sort of 'concerning' becca louise style like the 're' in emails.

The home page is my portfolio, it features 12 different projects and the way I have laid it out is close up/illustration and then mockup image - consistency is key.

When you hover over one of the images it says what kind of design work it is - a bit of information before clicking on the project and getting the below page. So when you click on a brief, it takes you to a separate page that says a little bit about the brief, includes more images and the year it was made. 

I wanted to keep my about page short, sweet and friendly. 

Rebecca Louise M is a creative based in Leeds/ Liverpool.

She has a BA (Hons) in Graphic Design, graduated from Leeds Arts University.

She is especially interested in branding, packaging, ux/ui, cockapoo's and cheese. 


I decided to write the about as though I had already graduated as i'm looking to the future. 'A creative' works better than just saying i'm a graphic designer as it doesn't limit the possibilities. 

I decided to add a photography section as this is an area I want to explore a lot more when I graduate, I was very interested in it before coming to university but haven't managed to find the time as much in the three years. I think photography is a good skill to have as a designer, whether it is taking pictures of things you have produced, or having images available to use in your designs, making it easier than sourcing a photographer or dealing with copyright etc. 

At the moment I am happy with this website, but as I said earlier I plan to learn code when I graduate - with this in mind I am going to design layout on Adobe XD for a website I could make in the future. This website is simple and to the point with the work I have made so far, but I would like to showcase future work in a more interesting way.

The mark I received is below:

62.00 / 100.00

This is equivalent  to a 2:1 and therefore I am happy, but as mentioned know that I can improve with the design I make in the future.

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