Thursday 17 May 2018

Copyright Talk

If someone steals your work:
  • Contact the person in question and explain
  • Make decision if you feel they've stolen it
  • You don't need to register your work, its your copyright as soon as you create it.
  • Keep files, dated and time stamped 
  • No-one can take copyright off you unless they've got written permission that you've assigned the copyright to them 
  • If your self-employed or intern you usually own the intellectual property even if your work is commissioned by someone else 
  • If your a freelance and work within someones studio the copyright belongs to the studio. 
  • NEVER breach someones copyright. 
  • Email work to yourself so you have time and date recorded
  • Just because it doesn't have a copyright symbol doesn't mean it can be used. 
Why Bother?
  • Just because its in the public domain doesn't mean there free to use.
  • Only works where the copyright has expired or has been assigned, been donated to the Internet for use.  
  • Generally runs out 70-90 years after creation or 70 years after your death. 
Reproduction Rights:
  • You own both the copyright and the right to reproduce your work.
  • what is reproduced on, sold on anything, internationally.
  • Be careful when assigning copyright, be clear that once its handed off your involvement ends.  
  • Can't copyright facts 
  • Conceptual ideas 
  • Expired items/public domain 
Clients will say:
  • 'I paid you so I own everything'
  • Just because you physically own the work doesn't mean they intellectually own it automatically unless you have it assigned in writing.
Licensing your Work:
  • Keep images as mine but allow other to use it for a fee. 
  • You can limit license for a single use or multiple times or period of time. 
  • Gain a fee for each use.
  • More info 
Can be a useful tool to gain:
  • Only get copyright after full and final payment.
What about music and sound: instead of a C the symbol is a P 

Make sure you put the symbol and date and email original copy incase. 

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