Monday 21 May 2018


Overall I found PPP to be a helpful module, the things I found most interesting were visiting speakers and the workshops they provided, it's good that we have the opportunity to speak to professionals in our own environment. One thing I want to improve on is taking what they teach on board and experiment more within my work, a few of the professionals told us to have fun with our work and stop stressing at university, this really stood out for me because it will be one of the only times we can produce the work we really want to with creative freedom unless we have personal projects or go freelance. I don't believe I have grown as a designer in terms of the work I produce within this module as it isn't about making things, it is about thinking about the future and being knowledgable in things such as networking and getting paid, I found these talks helpful however feel I could probably engage more if I tried.

The creative report allowed me to step out of my comfort zone and get in touch with creatives I admire, this is something I have never done however will definitely continue to ask questions and be curious after hearing back. The personal presentations I feel could have gone better, I don't feel as used to speaking in front of a lot of people due to the lack of critiques in other modules this year in contrast to last year. Due to this I struggled to stand in front of the class and felt a lot more comfortable doing it in front of a small group. This is something I really need to work on and be more confident with the work I produce as well as my presenting skills,  a lot comes down to preparation however it is hard to overcome fear of not being as good as others. I also feel that life's a pitch could've gone a lot better in terms of outcomes, the most part of our ideas were concepts and I feel this was due to the lack of communication within the group. This too is something I want to work on improving as working in a team is essential in the creative industry.

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