Sunday 20 May 2018

Creative Report brief

Things I would want to find out about a creative I admire would be:
  • what did they study
  • why do they create the work they do
  • who they would really like to work with
In order to decide who I want to contact for the creative report I am going to look at what kind of design I am most interested in, find some examples on Instagram as I feel this would be the best platform to get in touch with people on.

Something I really admire in terms of creatives is people who create something new everyday aside for their actual job, they take the time out to do something fun. An example of this is Adam Hale - Instagram name 'the daily splice'.

Adam takes free magazines from around London each day and creates a 'splice' using images found in the publication. He has produced over 1000 splices, and does one each day so has been at this for a very long time - he started in 2015. I first noticed him around 2 and a half years ago, and since then he has really got noticed in the Instagram community as well as by big brands, Adidas, YouTube, Mulberry, Christian Louboutin, and ELLE magazine.

Another creative who takes the time to create something everyday is Baugasm. 

Design a poster every day for 1 year. The first years has finished after publishing successfully every day a poster in Instagram @baugasm Now you can check on Instagram the second year.

I reached out to both creatives however only heard back from the daily splice as baugasm is too busy. I can however gain an insight into his creative process through skillshare. 

'hiya! been a big fan of your work for about 2 years now and seen it progress in detail as well as getting noticed and doing amazing work for some brands, the fact you take the time out each day to create something interesting is an inspiration to me and i just wondered if you could answer a few questions for me!

so just wondered what made you want to start creating the collages? what is it about the splice kind of design that excites you? where did the idea of just using free magazines come from? where would you like to go with the splices i've seen your work for ted baker and virgin atlantic which is really exciting, and last but not least how do you select the images for collage? do you have inspirations? thankyou so much for your time!'

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