Sunday 20 May 2018

Creative Report publication

I decided to create a short publication containing some examples of the daily splice work and the responses I received from the questions. I restricted myself to printing on my home printer, using normal paper and simple binding techniques, making do with what I have rather than buying extra materials. I thought this relevant and inspired by the way Adam only creates work out of free magazines he picks up on his commute. 

I had to work out the order for the booklet as the printer doesn't have the option for double sided and therefore through InDesign you cannot use the print booklet. I made a small mockup to check what pages should be next to eachother and did a few test prints to make sure the orientation was correct.

I then printed the booklet onto pink and white paper to compliment how the splices are created using multiple elements, I used tape to bind and believe it gives it a handmade feel.

Overall I am happy with the outcome for this as it showcases Adams work whilst giving quotes relevant and that inspire. The only thing that didn't go so well is the quality of the pictures, the ink wasn't the best and if I redid it I would design the order to ensure all of the images ended up on the white pages.

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