Sunday 6 May 2018

Life's a Pitch group discussion

We gathered together as a group and discussed some of the initial ideas. Overall everyone was happy with the idea of 'bringing the outside in' and thought that the rest of the design should be based around this for example any colours used should be complimentary of green, there should be a lot of windows within the studio and any walls should remain white. Between us we decided that to carry on designing we needed to understand what the students around us don't like about the studio that we are currently in so that we can look at how this can be improved.

It was suggested that the the design of the presentation should mimic the design of the studio which will be positive, spacious and clean. We will avoid over using text so that the slides don't become over powering and messy, and we will mainly use imagery to create an idea of what the design would be like. This will also push us to present the design in a more interesting and engaging way.

Issues with current studio:
In order to gain an understanding on what should be included on in the new studio it was important to understand exactly what doesn't work within the current studio environment. This is useful for us as we are surrounded by the target audience of the design within uni, so we went around and informally asked other groups what they dislike about our current studio. Some of the responses included:

  • Chairs too high and uncomfortable 
  • Plugs only along the walls 
  • No communal/comfortable area
  • Lighting is a bit dim 
  • Not enough macs 
  • Floor is grey and uninspiring 
  • Not a very collaborative seating layout

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