Thursday 17 May 2018

Portfolio Website

I currently have a design account on Instagram which was my main way of showcasing finished work however this year have realised that people engage a lot more with design accounts that show WIP, a few personal pictures as well as photography. Therefore I have decided to try and drum up more interest on my account this way and create a website to show the finished products in a porfolio style, also including my photography and sketches on separate pages.

The portfolio page features my strongest work, when you hover over the cover images it says what are of graphic design the project is 'packaging' and 'editorial' for example. 

When you click on one of the cover images it takes you to a page that describes the brief and offers more images showcasing the work produced.

I decided to create a page called 'sketchbook' to show random doodles and sketches I have created that weren't for a brief but show my illustration/painting whatever it may be off. 

The final page that holds work is the photography, it is a scrolling page and when you click on an image it goes full size, you can then flick through the full collection. 

Lastly, the 'about' page gives a little information about myself and what I am most interested in, as well as an option to get in touch. 

I am going to use this website to send to people who I would like to work with or just chat to, however an aim for summer is to create a short PDF designed to my style and featuring my strongest work to date.

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