Wednesday 16 May 2018

Life's a Pitch reflection

Overall I feel this brief was a success in creating a vision for the interior design of the new studios in the Leeds Arts University building. The ideas would provide a relaxing and inspiring space for the students, a space that was nicer to work in, encouraging more to spend the scheduled studio development time in the actual studio rather than library or at home. The decisions we made were based on research carried on and actual data seen for creative studios and office spaces. The research was gathered by speaking to our peers in the studio, therefore primary research and secondary research was found on the internet looking at how the issues brought up by students could be resolved. Our design concept of 'bringing the outside in' I felt was strong in concept as not only is there evidence for plants to increase productivity and creativity it also creates a more aesthetically pleasing space.

The only thing that didn't go as well in the group is the depth we went into for the ideas, the ideas we presented were mainly conceptual, as a group I feel the others could have contributed more in terms of sketches and mockups as myself and Hannah's job was primarily the research and creating the presentation itself. I feel this happened because we didn't communicate or meet up as much as we could have, if we did we could've progressed with the roles and shared more ideas. I learnt from this brief that working in a larger group is harder a lot harder to manage than just collaborating with one person, this is something I would like to improve on as in the professional world imagine I would be working within a small group, each providing ideas and designs and going from there.

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