Wednesday 16 May 2018

Life's a Pitch feedback

Michael Chan Theo Adamson Rebecca Moorcroft Hannah Thomas Sophie Bethans

When pitching an idea or a solution to a brief, it is the research that directs
the specific areas you feel are either ‘unique’ or ‘native’ to the ‘product/s’
you wish to communicate the benefits or the services the client needs to
address. The brief in this instance was extremely vague (on purpose) so you
had to examine an environment that could enhance both reputation (to encourage
a potential growth in applications) and an environment that could potentially
increase attendance and retention in the University being a place that students and support staff feel happier to engage in and spend up to 12 hours in.

Your specific rationale being: ‘Bring the outside in’

A good rationale that simply needed a ‘proposition’ which is a single minded benefit to the user. ie: ‘To establish a creative environment for study’
and this is all that is needed to hang your pitch on. A good and researched pitch
 the potential to address more issues was there and you could have made more of this.

Nothing totally wrong with the shortness, but the opportunity was bigger and it suggests you were covering what you thought were the main points? Instead of putting multiple images on one slide, consider a slide for each. Then, you can expand on what you see on the slide and this is why the TV programme ‘Catchphrase’ works, say what you see and it will negate the need to have notes when presenting. This will also be clear when you rehearse. You only have one opportunity to pitch so ‘grab’ it with all you can,
invariably it is a competitive situation so you need to go in to win. To win you need to identify:

1. What you are trying to achieve.
2. What is stopping you.
3. What you see as the solution.
4. How can you explain this simply.
5. Consider what you are going to say.
6. Look for negatives.
7. Address negatives with positives.
8. No negatives, Less negatives from client.

What you presented had massive potential and it was simply the scale of some items, scale sells, the technology of transmitted light signs is great…give them more of a presence and that goes for most of the work. You were nearly there, just needed a little more work (you had time). Well done these are early days.
Consider a ‘proposition’ and ‘insights’ and then a ‘strategy’. This will educate and inform your direction of approach. The facts that you identified re Botanical inclusion in the workplace is great as you have data and percentages. People can not argue too much with data that is quantified.The imagery of the importance of light is good…look for research as you did with plants and quantify, it will be strong and bolster your pitch. The furnishing and electrical distribution is not necessary, merely detail. In a pitch situation give the ‘Big Picture’, excite and ‘Wow’ the audience and together with irrefutable facts is what we should try to convey.

Well done these are early days and the more you present the better it will get.
Consider a ‘proposition’ and ‘insights’ and then a ‘strategy’. This will educate and inform your direction of approach and make it more like your rationale.

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