Thursday 17 May 2018

Networking Talk

Methods of networking:

  • email
  • phone
  • facebook
  • Linkedin
  • Behance
  • mail
  • real life events
What networking isn't:
  • forced
  • about getting instant work
  • handing out business cards and hoping people get in touch

It is:

  • making recommendations
  • sharing all accounts
  • meeting people and sharing interests

Be proactive, write a post about something you are passionate about and post the link to any form of social media, other creatives want to collaborate and it works both ways others can see your work too. Join in discussion for areas you are interested in, mention to friends and family anything they do that interests you as they may have contacts and tips.

I have a lot of friends who are also doing design/art subjects as I kept in touch with people from photography/art at alevel as well as people from art foundation year. This proves useful when asking for feedback and learning new skills and other creatives worth following.

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