Monday 21 May 2018

Creative Report


Getting in touch with a creative I have admired for around 2 years really inspired me to want to produce more creative work outside of the curriculum, Adam uses his collaging and Instagram page as a creative outlet, using traditional skills to keep his mind active and original work flowing whilst working in a digital company, with his perfectionist ways the work he produces actually gets mistaken for being digitally edited. The standard of his collages encourages me to aim for higher detail when it comes to hand made techniques such as screen printing, sketching and collage. | aim to start doing something everyday during summer, whether it be a quick drawing, illustration, poster or collage. Adam started producing work as a statement about free publications that are disposable, he creates work that is permanent through posting on Instagram around 3 years ago and has recently been noticed by a lot of big brands, mainly in the fashion industry, he believes this is due to his source material and considering the fact he has now become successful in something he started doing as a side project to his real job this really shows anything can happen if you produce high quality, original thinking work via Instagram. With this module I have also contacted a few design agencies which I admire however haven't yet heard back. This hasn't discouraged me rather makes me want to get their attention in another manner, one that stands out compared to email, for example how alumni Greta send a box filled with her work whilst letting her personality shine through. Throughout this year I have taken advantage of the freedom given within the briefs and produced work I am proud of, work that is relevant to the area of design I would like to work within, because of this I decided to create a website portfolio as I have a fair few strong finished designs in answers to briefs that I would happily show to other creatives and possible job opportunities. I will still remain active on Instagram however change what work I post, such as works in progress to spark more interest, an aim is to also utilise Behance and LinkedIn more to connect with professionals. As well as contacting the daily splice I have been reading a lot more interviews with creatives I admire, as well as tedtalks and tutorials for software on youtube. Another thing I would like to engage more with is live briefs, after the responsive module I realised there are constantly new and exciting opportunities to produce work to a professional level in response to real companies providing briefs, I could take inspiration from design blogs such as It's Nice That and other creatives on social media.

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