Friday 4 May 2018

Life's a Pitch roles

My group for this brief includes myself , Hannah Thomas, Sophia Benthanis, Theo Adamson and Michael Chan. I've only worked with Hannah before so before planning or starting the project it's important that we figure out who works well in what roles within the group.

Me - Layout and research
Hannah - Research
Theo - Presenting
Michael Chan - Organisation, drawing
Sophia - Illustrator and software

Based on the strengths above, after an initial ideas generation session me and Hannah will begin conceptual and visual research to present back to the group to see how this could be formed into design ideas. From here, we will use the group's illustration and software skills to produce the presentation.

Target Market:
The target market for the presentation is the peers that we are presenting to and the other students who would be utilising the designs implemented on Leeds Arts University. Due to this fact, the designs should be mindful of the audience and appropriate to the sorts of things students appreciate and would like. The design is for an arts university and therefore everything should in some way be used to encourage creative thinking and have a calm relaxing environment for creative people to work in.

How will you structure your collective?
Based on the personal strengths identified above, me and Hannah will begin the process by researching into what makes a creative and calm working environment and will look at ways in which this can be communicated within the design. After the initial research me and Rebecca will come together and come up with some initial ideas of what can be used for the interior design (in terms of furniture and decorations) and we will then present them to the rest of the group so that the ideas can be negotiated and developed.

Based on Sophia's strength in software and Michael's in illustration, the research and ideas created during the first stage of the project will be made into a presentation by these two. Following this, we will regroup and decide whether anything needs to be added to the presentation design. Theo will be the one to present the design ideas to the audience as 5 people presenting will be too many and it will become messy and confusing. By sticking to these roles it will ensure that everyone has an equal role within the project whilst also providing a degree of individual creative freedom within a team. We will aim to meet or contact each other through messenger regularly to ensure everyone is happy with all of the creative decisions.

How will the group communicate?

PPP sessions
Facebook Messenger

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