Sunday 20 May 2018

Greta Madline

John organised a skype call with alumni Greta, who studied on our course a few years ago. The talk was interesting and gave us an insight into life after university if you really push yourself and go for your dreams.

The Kennedy’s

A small group of creatives from a range of creative background who culminate together and live in Amsterdam for 8 months and work on interesting briefs. There are no rules, they are all put together for one reason and that is to create.

She mentioned there was a struggle to get to know people in the beginning, with lots of different personalities clashing it is difficult to hit the ground running. Greta said for her it was a realisation that a lot of creatives come from different cultures and backgrounds.

Approaching other creatives

Greta has taken on the advice given to her by John because she too reiterated some of the ideas that John talks about.

Greta got in touch with the Kennedy’s, expressing her interest through the means of a big cardboard box filled with insight into the type of creative she is. Utilising an interest way to get in touch with a creative can make you stand out and give you a better opportunity of getting your desired role.

This taught me that to be noticed by someone who you really appreciate as a creative you have to make a bold statement, something other than just an email expressing interest.

Why did Greta choose the Kennedy’s

“It is an amazing, creative accelerant, life doesn’t exist when you are there, you meet a range of new personalities, work on amazing projects and also get paid too.”

Was university enough to get Greta going in the creative world?

Greta struggled being at university, however said that this university gives you great opportunities to do the kind of work you are interested in as a creative.

I very much agree with this statement especially through second year I have been able to produce the kind of work I am interested in and proud of.

Progression after University

It was a roller coaster, really hard at the start. Had no clue where she wanted to end up, a lot of ideas going through her mind but no means to solve them. Began working freelance and move around the glove a bit which crated the way the industry could work for her. Trust your cut instinct. Make sure that you talk to the right people, make friends and listen to any advice that is given to you and to take any criticism the same way and make sure that it influences your practice.

Tips and tricks

  • Create your own job 
  • Question everything and everyone
  • Be silly
  • Make sure what you make is golden - It is important to put everything into the project that I conduct.
  • Personality in projects
  • Think about the journey that has taken place to get into the position that I find myself at the moment, it wasn’t easy, and it isn’t going to get any easier with time, it is important to work hard on any work that I make and to make sure that I relax and enjoy myself
The Kennedy's

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