Thursday 17 May 2018

Creative Report

Building on your continued familiarisation with the creative industries and prompted by the need for even more engagement with professional contacts, you are required to seek out an industry practitioner or practice who you will base a report on.

The completed report should utilise your skills as both a creative and a researcher and make use of material drawn from at least one personal interview with an appropriate spokesperson to then culminate in an insightful overview of a contemporary industry figure or organisation. Your interview can be carried out in person or via phone, Skype or email. Supporting sessions will offer guidance regarding the approaching and interviewing of subjects

You should aim to subsequently develop a report that is engaging in terms of both its style and content. The completed report should be submitted as a digital Issuu publication posted to your PPP blog and needs to communicate your interview subject's route into industry and identify where their creative practice is currently situated.

Best piece of advice:
People can see how you behave, brand is a form of behaviour and very few understand how behviour is seen.

How and where:
Needs consideration prior to you approaching of potential interviewees. Skype/ Facetime is an option.

Why do you want to speak to a creative hero:
have a valid reason why, got to have an answer e.g; need some help, working on a brief etc.

requires good planning, proper questions and the nature of an interview itself
describe yourself as a creative while at college
what do you wish you'd known before leaving uni
most memorable experience since uni
why was it good? why bad?
best achievement so far
always ask why!!!

be sensitive to what there saying, show feeling. if there a hero tell them why.
Manage silence, use prompts, probs and checks

ask for an example, clarification, more detail.
summaries the interviews thoughts, check you understand what there saying.

written notes, harder to connect
Audio recording
online record (email interview)
make them fully awear of what your doing

Getting Started:
use the first question to put them at ease
something they will have little issue talking about
use notes and tick questions off as you go

remember to thank them, tell them why
reassure your not going to publish without telling them
good opportunity to get a second interview if sending info back

take a long time, be mindful of this when you consider interview length
try keep conversation going
check grammar and spelling

Too good to waste:
allow to inform practise, can inform other modules

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