Thursday 17 May 2018

Study Task 02 - Manifesto

Main Goals:
  • travel and work abroad
  • get a job in a company i am passionate about
  • go into packaging/branding 
  • keep a good work/life balance
  • be more confident with my own work/ not afraid to get feedback on WIP
Smaller Goals
  • network and get in touch with people on instagram
  • collaborate more
  • develop presentation skills
  • get feedback from my peers and tutors more often
  • go out of my comfort zone with design work
What I've learnt
  • try and produce work in the area of design i want to go into after university in order to develop my portfolio
  • it isn't hard to still have a social life and produce good work as long as i am passionate about it and stick to time managment
  • i work better at home, sat at the desk on my Mac rather than on a laptop in uni or in bed - for design work
  • i also work well in a coffee shop/library - for blogs/essays
  • research is one of the most essential steps to design, my most successful pieces have developed from a strong concept 
  • to develop skills as a designer and go out of my comfort zone by trying editorial more often, as well as typography
  • attention to detail
  • travel
  • experience
  • enjoy
  • speak to anyone who's work interests me 
  • take inspiration from everything around me
  • research

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